When Writing for a Magezine Can You Be Funny

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There are a wide variety of places to submit humor writing and having a go-to list of publications can help you keep the ball rolling with getting your writing out there. As with any other writing submissions, you should spend some time reading these publications and their submission guidelines to get a feel for the type of humor they publish before submitting. Before you submit, it's also worth doing a quick search on the site to make sure the piece you are writing hasn't already been written.

Not all humor publications pay, but I've put a dollar symbol near those that do.

Here are just a few of the options for submitting humor:

  • 2021 Update: Since originally publishing this piece, some of the markets I originally listed are no longer publishing, so I have switched them out for more current markets.

Satire Markets:

1.Slackjaw ($ Pub doesn't pay a flat fee but writers can potentially earn payment via the Medium paywall. Read more about the paywall here.): Slackjaw is a humor publication with a good following on Medium that is open to different types of humor.

2. Weekly Humorist ($): Weekly Humorist publishes satire and cartoons and often adds original artwork to accepted humor pieces.

3. Points in Case: Points in Case is a good place for timely and evergreen humor pieces and their website has half a million readers every month.

4. The Belladonna ($ payment possible via Medium paywall): The Belladonna publishes comedy and satire pieces by women and non-binary writers and has a good following on Medium.

5. McSweeney's Internet Tendency($): This well-known humor site accepts submissions and often runs topical pieces that comment on current events. The site also runs literary and academia-related humor and they are affiliated with a print quarterly that publishes literary pieces.

6. Op-Ed pages ($ Not all op-ed pages pay, but some do): Op-ed pages in newspapers occasionally run satire or opinion pieces with humorous elements. Most have submission guidelines on their sites or check out a longer list of options at The Op-Ed Project.

7. The Rumpus "Funny Women" ($): This respected literary publication has a humor column for women or gender non-conforming writers and looks for non-topical pieces since it can take some time for them to respond to submissions.

8. The New Yorker($): A respected publication with a well-known humor section — "Shouts & Murmurs." The print edition publishes weekly and the website publishes daily satirical humor (note that although you may read humorous essays in The New Yorker, Shouts is not the place to submit them). There are opportunities for submitting text pieces and pieces with illustrations. Shouts currently says they can take up to 6 months to respond to submissions, and I've heard reports of it taking longer than that at times. So it's better to submit evergreen pieces and be prepared to wait a while.

9. Jane Austen's Wastebasket ($ Payment possible via the Medium paywall): This humor publication likes humor related to books, history, and culture, among other topics.

10. Frazzled ($ Payment possible via the Medium paywall): This humor pub runs fictional humor pieces related to parenting.

11. The Offing ($): The Offing is a literary magazine and their "Wit Tea" section publishes humor. Different sections of the magazine periodically open for submissions at different times.

12. Little Old Lady Comedy: A site that runs satire on a variety of topics including pieces that poke fun at the writing life.

13. Defenestration: A literary journal that runs funny work in a variety of forms including satire, poetry, and visual forms.

14. Robot Butt: An online publication that runs different forms of satire including the "fake news" style of pieces that are similar to The Onion.

15. Ducts ($): A literary magazine that accepts both satire and humorous fiction pieces.

Writers who want to get meta and write humor about writing can consider these publications:

16. Submittable's blog for creatives ($): This blog geared at creatives accepts essays related to the writing life and runs writing-related humor and essay.

17. Electric Literature ($): This literary site runs essays and humor pieces related to writing and literature. They only open for submissions at certain times of the year but following them on Twitter is a good way to learn about current calls for submissions.

18. Brevity: The blog associated with the well-respected nonfiction literary journal runs satire and humorous essays relevant to writers.

Essay Markets:

19. Chicken Soup for the Soul Books: This series of books periodically posts calls for new books and many of the books look for contributors to submit funny essays on different subjects.

20. Funny Times ($): This publication takes short funny stories and cartoons on a variety of topics.

Many other magazines and websites take essays with humor in them. Reading publications can give you a sense of what they run and what might be a good fit.

Bonus tip: One good way to find out about other places that run humor is to follow humor writers that you admire on social media. Reading their stuff may give you ideas for places to submit and helps you support other writers.

Want even more markets? Check out my follow-up to this piece — 18 More Humor Writing Markets to Submit To.

Looking to get more humor writing tips? Sign up for my monthly newsletter here.


Source: https://writingcooperative.com/20-markets-that-publish-humor-writing-f9e572d27451

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